Pasture Raised Farm-to-Table Goodness!

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Mangalitsa Pig History

The Mangalitsa Pig is a heritage breed of European ancestry that was developed in the mid-19th century through cross-breeding. Nearly lost to extinction in the mid-20th century, the breed has enjoyed a renaissance in Europe in the mid 1990’s and was brought to the US in the early 2000’s. Originally bred for its lard, which comprises nearly 50% of the Mangalista Pig, this animal also produces superior meat. Delicious traditional cuts of pork (shoulder, ham, ribs, chops, tenderloin and the absolute best bacon you will ever taste) used by chefs in some of the finest restaurants and eateries around the world are grown on our farm in St. Helena, processed locally and available to residents and restaurants in Southeastern NC.

Mangalitsa Pig Fast Facts:

  1. A heritage breed of pig that was developed in Europe in the early-19th century and brought to the US in the early 2000’s.
  1. Has not been genetically altered since the breed was created in 1833.
  1. Are slow growing, grass-fed animals, taking approximately 15 months to reach a harvest weight of around 280-300 lbs.
  1. Are naturally disease free and never need hormones or antibiotics as supplements.
  1. Produces superior, well marbled, delicious meat – Shoulder, ham, ribs, chops, tenderloin, etc., and the absolute best bacon you will ever taste!
  1. Produces a creamy white fat that is unusually healthy. The green plant and natural grazing diet enable the pigs to generate fat that is both non-saturated and polyunsaturated and high in omega-3 fatty acids and natural antioxidants.
  1. Their pork fat is so wholesome and pure that when rendered into lard it has the consistency of creamy butter and can be used in a variety of recipes.


St. Helena Farm 17 has purebred, swallow belly and blonde mangalitsa pigs. Our heritage pigs are pasture raised, grass fed, free range animals. One of the many benefits of raising Mangalista Pigs is that they are relatively clean, docile and healthy. Mangalista’s never need shots and there is never a need for hormones or antibiotics so their meat stays pure and clean. They calmly graze each day, foraging for food in our pastures, tolerating the heat of summer well by wallowing in the watering areas and shady spots to stay cool and in the winter their woolly coats keep them warm as they move about. Our processed pork carries the USDA and NCDA inspection seal and we are certified Federal and NC meat handlers.  St. Helena Farm 17 is proud to offer quality mangalitsa pork products to our friends and neighbors in Southeastern NC.

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